John M. Bennett May 2013
out the pond my
lag intentif :wo
bbble s trung g
lobber pus neg
ate s uch st
ringing omnopostive
where yr )g glob
wheel ,))la milpa
)))en llamas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
the ,cake shoit ,tombo
,my tata ,fineal ,pul
decrepitud ,yr shern
or shorn lake ,tus
jarras hundidas ,de
sangrietas las mhanos
los hanos tus shapelest
,tus scarings or scarrings
tus mis caries del habla
premaduro ,maturado en
el viinno de tus soobbaaccoos
.my race crawls
Sor Tilegio y ,tuerto
con double vision ,la
camista gané la ca
misa perdí me plerdí
.)en contronco en la P
laza Yaxche( the
fork path tine the
grave l or mu d my
feet in ea ch hc ae
Ay yr swelling cat
a falco n ! )ay the
mumbling in the panty
con los por ontos en
vasculados con los o
jos avinadagrados...
morti ,empti ,en vuelto...
be ts o’ ,k not sh
,adow pile )yr a
ft ( er lab io
labialic indentention
≈ lake o fla
ke a way ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈
tease the teeth an
chee p chee se an
cor n’s air the ampled
p ile .age of ash a
,t ent ity s warming an
pul sing at the ...edge...
ye s tink y es mor ada
d onde un co jón ...£ rat
ificada la nube lo flot
ante de tu ojo )))que el
que so mático ,con cha de
tu(((... ]ппп[ ]la maz
orca sem ántica[ cha
rrred in the middden
S wam th b read lagke
●●● w arm s pit s ●●●● lo
dged again st me s pine a
))he...ll(( a ,sp lashing at the g
ate my :single one ,a sh
irt sh eet s mothered =]focus
sed onna for k[= an pl
anned the sp read cagke )))o’er
the tos sing br ine((( yr to
wel jammed “again st” the g
rime ,prou dly riddled on yr
arm... ]folded cave[
...t loaf...
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