O – ooo –eee –rrr – lll – mmm - zzz
O, ooo - eee – ooo
eee – ooo eeeeee
rrr – mmm – rrr – ooo
O – ooo – eee.
O – ooo – eee – rrr – lll – mmm – zzz
Eee – ooo – eee – ooo
eee – ooo – rrr
O – ooo – eee – rrr
lll – mmm – zzz.
ooo – eee – rrr
O – mmm – ooo – eee – rrr
O – mmm – zzz.
r – oooooooooooo –lll
mmm – eeeeeeeeeeee – O.
O – ooo – eee – rrr – lll – mmm – zzz
zzz – eee – zzz – eee
ooo – eee – ooo – eee
ooo – eee – ooo – eee
zzz – lll – mmm – zzz
rrr – eee – rrr – eee
rrr – lll – rrr – lll
zzz - mmmmmmmmmmmm
rrr – mmmmmmmmmmmm
O – ooo – eee
Rrr – oooooooooooo
mmm – rrr
ooo – mmm
ooo – rrr
zzz – mmm.
mmm – zzz
mmm – zzz
mmm – zzz.
O – ooo – eee – rrr – lll – mmm - zzz
mmm – mmm – mmm
lll – ooo – eee – lll – O – zzz
mmm – zzz – mmm – zzz – mmm
lll – mmm – eee
lll – zzz –mmm.
rrr – eee ooo!
rrr – ooo!
ooo – eee!
rrr – ooo -…
ee – oooooooooooo…
lll -… eee?
O – ooo.
O – ooo.
O – ooo.
O – ooo – eee – rrr – mmmmmm – lll – ooo -. O – rrr – mmm – lll – ooo – mmm – zzzz – oooooooooooo. Zzz – ooo – lll – mmm – O – zzz – ooo – lll… zzz – ooooooooo. Zzz – mmm – mmm – mmm, - mmm, - … mmm – lll – mmm – rrr…rrr…rrr…
O – ooo - eee – rrr – lll – mmm - zzz
ooo – mmm – lll – ooo, - lll – ooo – rrr – mmm… O – ooo – eee – rrr – eee – rrr – lll – eee – rr – eee. Zzz – mmm – lll -. Zzz – ooo – mmm – zzz. Lll – ooo – lll – mmm – eee – ooo. Zzz – lll – mmm – eee – rrr – rrr. Mmm – lll – ooo – eee. Rrr – lll - mmm.
Rrr – ooo
rrr – eee
rrr – eee – rrr – ooo
lll – rrr.
O – O – O – O
O – O – O – O
mmm – zzz – eee
rrr. ooo – lll – rrr.
Lll – mm – ooo. Rrr ooo.
Rrr – ooo, - eee – rrr.
Mmm -, - mmm, - mmm.
from OCEANIC in progress
when the flashes come installs a wrinkle and a buffer has finally turned the local spat into a conflagration involving matter, sour, murk, demands of audience and fan machinist’s trances and the rims of coma tries to feel the way the air prevails with static, eyes closed against the black lids spark cotton seed phobia collecting in where the body forms a hinge
if you haven’t witnessed it you have no call to discuss it
carved from nothing with the scion of the mouth harp imp to emblemize the factory I am after the experience of the clean warning
scent, finitude slow fade gradual perfection before the lock and key claims in the society of my mind the lament in stages until later while you are in mid-day climb banter resolve of age failed gravity this contraption you are steering from the shoulder to the crown abrupt and out of deep rem without an atmosphere of blame where else where other my friend is sealed in fate always found trying to calm a vehicle as poor as told facts are in the body, there are vintage threads first muffins of the year tried, old captures in caricature if you dig out the root you will have less trouble feels tomorrow coming in the shingled whale am untying all of my work with string as instrument map which is unraveling the stations of my past very close to the block of ice, to pour water over your own head, and repose but can you reproduce your rate of growth with mumps on a sample trail it out of the yard into history and wet leaves check yourself for parasites leaps afford me lumps from falling the trees are raining acid in the island palace tunnel so remote next door every time it opens there is less to say in the confusion of alders which illuminated by the strikes, and dropping artifacts of battle, amid uninhibited bursts, are passively your witness attempt the cypher during living eaten-ness is that a loch or a lake, deceive and supernatural scales mutes’ convention retards the ware of pinchers the lips emerge from your protective tube, relevant document of gouging skills and in-built charities terms to satiate nervous laugh, the agitated cough above by means of straddle with a support graph forgot your cleaning jet in a gasp props up the next each beat of the heart should stand alone with the contents of the soft bag as with the sunset holiday, the infected participants look on and turn away in a pendular activity consumption bound numbers, and then a screen of associated colors forming ribbons the months set blood soaked as rags forgotten brass beds, there is an old hotel that has been closed since nineteen fifty-seven he wanted it so wooed the elderly owner a machine tool simulates his mouth parts with a cyclic ado and transfixing jargon where to throw the muff and poison socks outside of disposal proper suitable taint you should elect to compress your valve openings are all you need prepare your wooden mattress amid the weeds swamp and black snake weeps loud in bitter sorrows nightfall and the remnant margin of sleep a movement in the village known for its black magic, and a regurgitant swell yoke and await milking it is midnight in the lunchroom have you seen the new left fenders of the corral Porsche temporary and musked on by the spotted eels the quarry is filled with test runs wild seeds cattails and willow constructions launch green apples the field defense has baked them in a pie before they land but it is only hypothetic that we could live this way and not consume our young
bilious mask form, the funk revival and the onion round depression weighted limb through time and on a queue released now chartered rite perspective in a matrix set against a season libeling a multiple choice ill in the street beside the cobble along the cathedral walkway kerosene streetlamp, smell of burning wick in the imagined realm of diffidence there is an auction in your gait, to offer you cross quickly with a huff and holding breath uncover with a tool to peel sandwiched layers where the secret skimps on matter sharing walls how much the measure lacks clarity how takes on compromise bemusedly
a standard clan of rupture and affirmation the advent of the hand held nerve the spray stumps growth security is in the composition of a latch and eye configuration no one wants to argue over midrange tones that are easy to ignore all again unction the magic three again the morphic chariots in a line in front of the bank variously the presumptions of a belief system, or in a specific, measured event of an act from which there is a lasting trailing tail its fires torment in your making, that is why each kit a hose and rubber squeeze, and compass and a dowsing rod to help you there the muscle car the trunk and set of keys with every branch the treats of follicles and the maturing of the mustard trigger there is a gap at each end of the hyphen they recalled and this was code of the priest class for sabbatical advisement in the manifest the rock against the cheek the last stage when the hard frame cracks the aftermath, when corporations make accounts and holism reigns Indo European satori snowflakes toxic culture scratch and sniff repeat cult fathom, guide as with large bird waits to pass the pits and roost an urchin or a pin cushion of the emotion’s states as registers walks between the tanks, and harbor air, the confirmation were the well produced both sense and facility these are syncopated clots in a breached canal three moments later, there is loss of consciousness followed by a blind sea without a word amusing leaks assail the kitty-corner
flies apart as sure as the throat of your gooseneck a drill which uses materials from the dreaded circumstance which is authority approved nothing sweats like the wringing of your labor duck suit this is how your chest felt before the nut cracking procedure which later will be over-classified multiply emerges now, the wobbly flesh around the joints, the sparkle dots sprinkled at the combination funeral/wedding, the obsessive extra flush, the beating of the surfaces with smoldering sage, the worn out waist band secret documents which must be independently and privately addressed inside the corrugated steel cubicles while the collared potbelly pigs are watching and the rigid salutation from a thirty year delayed respondee are emotionally rendered in a slug trail viscous salve I am as your mother, I am watching too, I am judging, and acquiring, and sucking the spirit from your veins because I know you have already surpassed what I would have afforded you and I have nothing left to spare so please consider this when being born of course it is a thought I have also put off thinking, stalled as would you hold your legs together tight the toggle tends to choose a single preferred position unrelated to result the hands reproach, or the sidecar consideration, with its attachment to the driver, and its lack of independence ratiocination forced to assume it was an act of god and so, it is not exclusive to the owner of the saw mill whose rubber boots are melting upright on the woodstove where they sat to dry and where your own different threads have led you when you cut your bib ties urgently discomforting, pressed against the sealskin covers of your documents made elegant and further singular by the many traded signs of some time’s rapture, time onward, trace the door until it manifests, then casually part the futures are already legacy additionally sleeping in a lower berth, the water likely more to rise and cause a sudden influential dream in which the waking and an epileptic stagger has you marked as immaturely ripe so quickly tapped immobilized and sealed until default downwind of what they termed the grey coast it was severe but not unprecedented at least some company was there evocation large ferns for jackets, gently shaking pods and sniffing of a vacuum leak unreliable hiss for your past movements across the floor in search of creaking boards it takes some time adjust your handstanding for to take advantage of the air bubble near the lower corner as art can serve a purpose every other mouth is cupped to do it has it with the cattle caught between the teeth you know your heart is in that trench ok he said then returned to the self imposed drill team breaks up the terror of the baby in a thunder storm there is a burden of tranquility but not of stasis fields without you map your goal she holds an off white ivory cross dipped in silver throughout the largely unattended ceremony while her arches play a freezing pipe tone is pliable to be measured at the base of the signature understandably the flesh was forming around the molding
without a rest the engine would unhitch can feel phasing through transitions as they are acquired through legal channels can it be cut from rough insulation foam it was rhetorical finds the harvest through the milk of loins, which is the catalyst it is labeled between the frequencies by the labor of the feast remembering the pace determined by a fuse sailing toward it the long spike navigates itself thin cylinders of fingers wetted so to glide avail for tactical punctuation tender tips through paper punches incremental smudges and the six point trace chicken doctor linked to third world economy and the handling of its flag reparation in stitching turned to suture
dry timed rain hat register your protest in a box with proper alignment the outside will puncture the shell the first scar was a cat bite love has left them without their grizzle preferred the drizzle to the bake lament retrospectively seasons of the flutter in your cataloged will from which the course comes, staged in classes of the leitmotif the worm in segmentation, the cloud in dissipation farms out lurid gestures in the tent of veils also staircased on the ramp you are not allowed to correct me cataleptic original storage increase weight through plunging politely always sit caressed expression pattern, slump into mild respondent binary song, spotting, cursed of oxidation and the crust of your corrosion failed societal witness plans extended spending sources, mission rolling out the largest stone clearly shows the condescending (down to earth) bubble, referencing time without a clock someone first for sleeping on the floor after making public shame of three collapsing steps there is no flow of purpose, radiations fluff the wings of grain the corners fabricated from a sweaty shirt the idea animated from the closely neighbored stops with a humble voice delivered in harmonically supported series by the application of gourds found it disconcerting to be moved with mundane reports portioned the fruit so each could shit a seed claims an atmosphere say I am not unrest and spilling juice from the compression piston generally no accomplishments in the accidents of birth the reticulated forum over the lumps and mounds short term influences as described on blue scented parchment while you lift to implicate in comfort over near-to-surface carotids less the bog deep sigh impressed of free expression in the hail of dust the tattle of the fly where lands him there you dig for treasures of guilt but find your salad spun nervous to pester, the long walk backward through your previous footsteps this is worth the waking for passive liniments was employed your opal walnut case, historic and applied lies disinterest disciplined my host cell alerted so I wake but cotton mouthed, cords adapted simulate the prong which turns the goat and sanctions his release, fools’ buttons and a switch
even when corrections errors issue and a gag reflex it is the collateral of consciousness in the lowest basement back to kitty cornered salt lime and intention strips down to three disciples which are simpler single threaded codes of you whose shape is one distinction, of the barrier with shared support a text that eats your flesh logged an hour starring in the hole agitates in piles the fantasy of pellet fired self defense, ocher washes, stolen lye but less to comprehend feted sorrow as it warps and your tarp covered palettes lax these days of insecure beaches how long can the wave’s reception force fatigue to flourish in the twig some sand flea and the ornaments of holiday
loitering and ex pavilion have to go into your acres or your pixels when request of seven years and unearthed bones, respects to me or they, some past time did their dance, a slot was cut the dead looked out goodbye as I hope that I can say it too, when talks the father or the son in the vestige of their air or secondary claim to rights all one day laps mystery, and heat, and bugs drunk up in supplements please wait, changing voice
measure against your shanks temporarily pinned the flurry is promoted by the representation in the paint and vials of iodine holds you to your word and ties to baffle sounds along the spokes

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