Monday, November 4, 2013

John M. Bennett

the hill

dans ma Llangue une f
ork une h ack la caca
imiscible comme la
pluie sur la sueule  such
f laking suc h uesos sc
sc ratching dans la pous
sière yr coat of peau in
in visible je t’ai dit le
vent la sangre blanca the
salt spoken gust in the f
inal bathroom c’est un livre
de pap iere trihygiénique
where the h air is read los
hilos de la vida minimista
)soak yr face(  the storm’s
l urched out and yr tongue
is sl iced in th re e  e  ≈   ≈    ≈ en boit le sang...
- Antonin Artaud


the yawn

there glassy sheen esa
carne esa piel cling to
the dust’s antecedents cal
avera’s vacant lot un
moving en el seno la
cuchilla ruda’s abandoned
tower desnuda ,echo de
turgente pecho blank lawns
en el lecho abrupto de la
sangre charging en ol
eadas of unfinished flame
through the ear’s redondeces
gravel y muslo rollizo
box polished smooth
by the esqueleto fofo
wheeling through the dark
aisles huero y tosco in
a thousand fémures espan
tosos in the window’s orgías
the massive sand or irregular
verbs ,burdeles of hum
,an offal cuerpo de
martillos labrado ,brains
“all over the place” spittle
,el spleen nos invade y
esperamos the boiling pavement

wind y mar hinchado

Dislocated in Ivan Arguelles’
“october, remember?”, “wrecking ball:
for all the dead surrealists” &
Rubén Darío’s “Ecce Homo”

uh mirror

tapt hhuh moudth
‘s chuckly sore  th
lonng glaad spspattter

                  hielo ,ref      lejo

mirror ,uk

ton o’ ,mess
shirt the dog
towel cclliimmbbss



Lunch Mirror

aw aw  “antsy”
...)whizzing...  (  “che
w ,moldy ,fog cheese

an yr loook  !


Mirror Lint

bombo mealt ot
her hunh pen

w rote a “hair”



le yaxche’o’

sh oe oe do or p all
en try sp sp elled
yr sol e yr sót ano
fum ing sod den lug gage
slum ping on the ro ots
thrus ted through the f
loor ~ ~ ~  la com bina
ción flor ida el tún el
pis o tan to la do la
tant ra de cal zarme
el pie de recho ц en
sor dina o sar dina de
mis sob acos donde el
aire que exhalo se es

shoe soak claw mule


the suite

ay shot the sure o
r afterburn hel p plage
rize the flap corn see
m s ente nce once wh
ence the bar rel ease
d the hot ball yr
sh irt shootin ,poli
o mbligo enintensered w
here the vergüenza fl
aca’s comelotodo ,risueña
,pulcritudinaria y tu cas
a l se llena de sem
illa ,forno de formiga
,chew yr chert ,trembling
in the settling mud

wrapped in string the frontal skull

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